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Ma Douce Belgique: a project to highlight Belgian history and heritage, which I embarked on without even realising it

We are in the early stages of 2020, in the midst of lockdown, and, like many people around Belgiu

madoucebelgique's picture

COMPUTERISED SOLUTION - The Walloon company Synthetis offers an innovative solution for optimising the placement of production personnel to ensure compliance with schedules

Manufacturers in the pharmaceutical sector have optimised the allocation of their production p

Alain Bolyn's picture

Trappist beer in Wallonia, a secular tradition

If Belgian beer is today a highly appreciated product by beer lovers all around the world, it is

birraspeople's picture

Women in Trade South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Botswana, Eswatini and Lesotho

Export Trade Training Programme is a 8 week virtual programme that was designed to train and supp

LaetitiaKiziziedeboeck's picture
Christian CHADA - IDEO - Database - Afrique - Kinshasa

Clé de Développement - Belgian expertise in the heart of central Africa

Throughout the post-colonial years, Belgium has become a benchmark for the expertise it provides

ChristianChada's picture

A beer route through Wallon breweries

The Belgian gastronomy has a good number of local products that are highly appreciated and known

birraspeople's picture
ÔÔ Paradis des Sens - Parfumerie & Découvertes

ÔÔ Paradis des Sens, is a magical place where you will live an unforgettable sensory experience!

ÔÔ Paradis des Sens, is a magical place where you will live an unforgettable sensory experience!

Search for missing compatriot in Peru

Travel is a great opening to the international scene.

Guy-OlivierVanackeren's picture

Franklin Roosevelt was (nearly) wallon

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of the most famous president of the United States

jeantriquet's picture

The Wallon Church in the Netherlands

The wallon church is a curiosity in the Netherlands.

jeantriquet's picture

MERCURE ROUGE, a novel set in the heart of the Condroz... written in the West Indies

Hello and welcome to 2022, a lucky year for the 2s!!!

LaurentBarbiot's picture


Good morning, everybody.

Eric Milord's picture
