Pride can be seen as arrogance. Esteem, condescension. Let’s talk about respect instead.
Respect for our companies and their achievements, and most of all for their desire to talk about our world, to bring it to life in its full context, to understand what each aspect can do to support the others, as part of a greater system. A cradle-to-cradle circle, flowing like water.
Respect for the diversity of their simultaneous green initiatives, such as the KIKK Festival’s sustainable approach to technology, Charles Liégeois’ initiative to use multimodal transport to reduce CO2 emissions, and the Cuisine Sauvage project, which is offering a splash of colour from plants to plates. All purposeful, focused and inspiring initiatives for a better world. The world of art is also evolving. Whether it’s ‘physical’ paintings and sculptures that we can see or touch, or ‘digital’ art—these NFTs we have heard so much about. Can one threaten the other? This remains to be seen, and further considered. Perhaps the extensive, intelligent reach of the digital will enhance the physical?
Respect for these contrasts that complement each other. That’s enough talk from me, it’s up to you now to find out more about them.
If you want to subscribe freely to WAB magazine, please send an email to Marie-Catherine Duchêne (Wallonia Export & Investment Agency) - mc.duchene@awex.be