With the growth in drone technologies, partnerships between companies are being created as part of a disruptive economy!
The Drone Valley Concept, pioneering a new economic revolution? We can take as an example, the partnership agreements between the companies Drone-Pix, Sky-Minded, CGEOS-Creative Geosensing and finally, to end with 2D data exploitation, Oxygis. From an improbable meeting, these partners have produced an innovative product-service for the management of green spaces, parks, etc. in cities and municipalities.
Oxygis provides integrated geo-management based on a map created by a drone (or a satellite view, web service, etc.). This is a comprehensive tool for contractors or managers of green spaces (Municipalities). -) It provides the geolocation of positional trees, shrubs, flower beds and groups of trees. -)
It monitors the health of plants, organises work order and management (Operator and equipment planning), the easy editing of worksheets linked to the differentiated management.
Other modules provide the geolocation of underground infrastructures, management of roads and street furniture and can monitor revenue and expenses with a single balance sheet. The cherry on the cake is that the application is portable with a link for tablets or smartphones! In the next blog post, we will talk about the 3D applications and partnerships that have been developed thanks to Drone Valley and its strategy...